Dear Friends,
I am excited and humbled to be heading to the State Capitol next year!
It's been an incredible 15 months of campaigning. I am deeply grateful for the support I have received. Whether you took a door knocking shift or two, contributed to my campaign, attended caucus or convention, or simply spread the word, I am so moved by all you have put behind our campaign.
We did an amazing thing on election night - not only was District 61B the second highest Democratic turnout district in the state, we actually INCREASED our Democratic vote total over 2016! It's practically unheard of to have a midterm election with higher turnout than a presidential year. This made a meaningful difference in ensuring all of our Minnesota statewide officeholders are Democrats!
We also took our volunteers from Southwest Minneapolis all over the state, and played no small part in helping flip the State House!
Thank you for making all of this possible. We have a lot to be proud of! Now let's get to work to improve people's lives.